Leslie Vryenhoek
Writer & Editor
Leslie Vryenhoek's debut collection of poetry explores the nature of belonging in a transient culture. From its first assertion: "A neighborhood, no matter / how known, will not slip whole / into your knapsack," these poems insist home is a portable assemblage of minutiae: the taste of dirt, the solace of Home Depot, a pennant of bone.
Gulf loosely traces the author's journey from big-American-city suburb to small-town Canadian prairie to Newfoundland, a place where being from/coming-from-away still holds sway in everyday dialogue.
Moving from solemn and meditative to saucy and irreverent, Gulf is a collision of natural elements and technology, native species and newcomers, the inevitable rending of families and the connective tissue of memory that ties us to place.
Gulf was shortlisted for the national Gerald Lampert Award.
"This book has a charged intelligence. Like one of the questing figures in it, it straddles the continent, articulating the gaps and disjunctions that create gulfs.... A beautiful debut." ~Mary Dalton
A poet fully in charge of her craft, Vryenhoek ... her poems will find resonance with anyone who has ever felt uprooted. These are bittersweet poems, true on the tongue." ~ Patrick Warner
Cover artwork: Flying West Across the Atlantic, One by Peter Wilkins